From robnob193 on ebay

(Pete) This is one of the many horns that make you stop and think, "Whut?"

While the seller of the alto states, "Evette student sax by Julius Keilwerth original sale was from and manufactured in Germany,"

I tend to think it's an Asian make.

(Helen) I completely agree with Pete, and I think it should probably be in the post 1990 section. I need to do a bit more research on these though. I suspect they were made after the Buffet buyout of JK.

  • s-l1600 009 s-l1600 009
  • s-l1600 008 s-l1600 008
  • s-l1600 007 s-l1600 007
  • s-l1600 006 s-l1600 006
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  • s-l1600 s-l1600
  • s-l1600 012 s-l1600 012
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