Bassically A Site About All Things Sax
Bassic Sax
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Want Sax Info?

Ever since I started my Bassic-Sax website in 2001, I have been receiving emails and comments from people about saxophones. Sometimes the people who are emailing me are just sharing their stories, and are telling me about their saxophones. Other times, they are looking for advice or help.

In an effort to reduce the workload for myself, since I don’t charge people for my time, I’ve decided to create the generic Help Guide. My goal is to set out what I need from people if they would like me to give them some input on their horns. This way, in the future I can just send people the link to this page, rather than writing everyone all of this individually. So without further ado, I offer up my…

Help Guide: Helpful Tips For Getting The Saxophone Info You Want

Hello. Thanks for your question. I’d be happy to help you find out more about your saxophone. I’ve asked you to visit this page because the question you asked me was missing some vital information.

Please send me an email, and include the serial number of the sax, and some photos. For the photos, here are the details that I need in order to try to properly ID your sax. I’ve included examples for you to illustrate what I’m looking for.

1. A photo of the right side of the horn…

Selmer Mark VI alto sax, gold sax, red background

2. A photo of the left side of the horn…

Conn New Wonder Series I tenor sax, silver sax, red background, vintage sax

3. A photo of any engraving on the sax…

saxophone bell engraving, Hammerschmidt, Klingsor, tenor sax, silver sax, red background

4. A photo of the octave key mechanism as well as left thumb rest and the octave key lever…

5. A photo of the tone hole(s) located on the bell of the saxophone…

saxophone bell, Pan American saxophone, curved soprano, vintage sax, silver sax, red background

… as well as one or two others somewhere else on the horn.

saxophone keys, Martin Handcraft tenor sax, silver sax, red background


Devillers tenor sax, stencil sax, D&J, saxophone keys, vintage sax, German sax

6. A photo of anything you think is interesting or unique about your sax. (Don’t forget to tell me what you think it is.)…

  • Here’s a photo showing the full pearl treatment on the sax’s keys. It shows the extra high D# triller, as well as the G# trill key. Also, you see the acrylic key guard. Notice too it has a high F# key.

7. A photo of the neck of the horn…

8. A photo the low C keyguard…

9. Photos of any major damage to the horn…



Your pictures really need to be in focus. I can’t really tell you much of anything if I’m looking at shots that are blurry, since I can’t see the details.

If you have your photos posted on a website like Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, or where ever else, send me the link. If you’d like to send the pics to me, it’s best if you send them to my gmail account. Please make the pictures as big as possible. Sending me small photos also makes it hard to see the details.

I hope this has been helpful for you.

Adapted from Pete Hales’ Help ME Help YOU
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