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Hohner Kinder Saxophon

Hohner Kinder Saxophon

Hohner Kinder Saxophon, plastic toy saxophone, Hohner plastic toy sax, silver toy sax with keys
Source: harmonyegg on

This Hohner Kinder Saxophon is from the Matth. Hohner AG in Trossingen, Germany. From the photos that the seller provided, I see nothing that would indicate that this product was made anywhere than in Germany. That said, there is no “Made in X” stamp photographed that I can see, so exactly where this toy comes from I can’t say with 100% certainty. 

This Hohner Kinder Saxophon looks very similar to the Antonelli, Avril, and Bontempi toy saxes shown in this section. The key work especially on this Hohner, reminds me of these Italian-made toy saxophones. 

The seller’s description made me chuckle:

Rarity Vintage Kinder Saxophon Hohner West Germany
Unused in original packaging
Vintage patina [emphasis added]

Original Instructions included

The Play & Learn System
stands for fun and succes in the first steps to music.

Hohner Kinder Saxophon is not your father’s Hohner President

“Vintage patina” my ass. Perhaps the seller was looking up vintage saxophones and saw this term used by sellers of real saxophones. I believe the term they are looking for is age spots, or maybe oxidization. Finish aside, this Hohner Kinder Saxophon is in very nice condition, and obviously has not been used by a child—if at all.

The Hohner Kinder Saxophon is part of a system/set that was called Play & Learn from Hohner. From the research I have done, I have only found accordions and guitars as part of the Play & Learn series. So it does indeed appear that the Kinder Saxophon is somewhat of a rarity. Not sure when it was available from the company, but if I did have to hazard a guess, I would peg it to be circa 1990s.

What are Hohner’s current offerings in child instruments?

I tried to figure out if Hohner was offering anything similar at all for children, but was sadly disappointed. Their current offerings for children provide nothing for the budding saxophone player.  

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