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Medusa Saxophone Brochure

VMI, B&S Medusa saxophone, Series 2006 Medusa & Artist lines, saxophone brochure, German saxophoneIn 2017 I received an email from a fellow in Oslo, Norway. Petter used to own a music store, and had been a VMI/B&S dealer. While sorting through his attic he happened across a couple of things he thought might be of interest to me.

Like the dealer prospectus, this Medusa saxophone brochure was provided by VMI to B&S dealers. However, unlike that previous document, this one was intended for potential buyers of the Series 2006 – Medusa & Artist Series of saxophones.

Regardless if you already own a Medusa and are looking for more info on your horn, or if you are just doing research on a used sax you are considering, we all owe our sax-friendly, colleague in Oslo a serious thank you for generously sending this to me. The fact that I got it, meant that it could be shared with the sax-playing world.

Thank you Petter! Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

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