I have been gathering photographs of Pierret saxophones that will hopefully, in time, represent all the Pierret models that the company made. As I am sent more photos, or find more on places such as eBay, I will continue to update the Pierret Galleries.
**Please Note**
Because the of the size of the various vintage saxophone galleries on my site—and the lack of their searchability—I have created a separate area of my site called Bassic Sax Pix. Bassic Sax Pix allows you to find what you’re looking for quickly and easily. I have therefore stopped updating the individual Pierret galleries here, and have copied all of the information already contained in these galleries over to the Pierret galleries at Bassic Sax Pix.
New Pierret images continue to be added regularly to the galleries at Bassic Sax Pix. If you are looking for photos of Pierret horns, you can check any of the galleries below, or can immediately just jump to the bigger, and more searchable galleries. The choice is yours. Fear not however, I will continue to add more model and stencil names to this list as I find them. They will just link to the new galleries.
Artiste Competition
Concerto with Virtuor
Modele 1-7
Modele 42
Modele Competition
Modele D’Artistes
Modele Standard
Super Artiste
Tilleman La Haye
“Corps Embouti”
Stencil Horns