Modele 5S Alto
Serial #: 72XX
Finish: Nickel plated
Modele 6 Alto
Serial #: 70XX
Finish: Silver plated
Source: Ton Damm
Modele 6 Alto
Serial #: 7633
Finish: Silver plated
Be sure to check the Pierret Gallery on Bassic Sax Pix. Any new Modele 1-7 photos I come across while be uploaded to there.
I’d like to add here that after years of searching, I have yet to find a photo of a Pierret < Modele 5. I have lots of Modele 5, 6, 7 photos, but to date have yet to see a Modele 1, 2, 3, or 4 for sale. Either they are so fabulous that no one is selling them. Or so incredibly uncommon, that they just don’t pop up for sale very often. I suspect that when these horns, should they still exist, come up for sale, they’re most likely located in France, or elsewhere in Europe.